Samuel Davis, Mary Ann Martin Davis
with daughter Elizabeth on lap
Grandmother Catherine Anna Martin Hoskins' sister Mary Ann Martin was born in Salt Lake City while the family was living in Utah, before coming to Samaria, Idaho. She was the 2nd daughter of John and Anna Jenkins Martin (Catherine ((grandmother)) was the oldest child). Mary Ann married Samuel William Davis in Samaria when she was 21. They became the parents of 7 children and lived in Samaria.
The photo left is Elizabeth and Anna Davis, the oldest daughters of Samuel and Mary Ann Davis. It's obvious that this photo was taken the same day as the one posted above. The youngest daughter's hair is the same and she is wearing a pinafore over the dress in the photo above. I wondered why both children didn't appear in the photo above, but I believe that I might know the reason why. Samuel lost his right hand in a threshing machine accident. I'm guessing that the photographer plopped the littlest daughter on her father's knee to disguise the lost hand.

This is a photo of the same two daughters when they were young women. Elizabeth married Henry John. Anna married David Thomas. (See more about that marriage in the previous post about Esther Martin.)
The photo at left is Mary Ann Davis when she was older. An interesting tidbit about Mary Ann and Samuel Davis is that they are the great grandparents of the famous Osmonds (Donny, Marie, etc). The cabin that Mary Ann and Samuel lived in while they resided in Samaria has recently been restored as a museum. An interesting article about the dedication of the cabin is located here:
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