Sunday, November 17, 2013

Heber James Wilson

Heber James Wilson

Many, many thanks to a distant cousin that I connected with on  She had a photo of Heber James Wilson that I have been looking for for a long, long time.  The image quality isn't very sharp, but it's as good as Lori had, and I'm so grateful that she shared what she had with me.  It's so nice to at least have an idea of his appearance.  Lori's husband is a descendant of Heber James Wilson's 2nd family.  Lori also share a photo of Heber's girls by his 2nd wife.

I'm so grateful that after a lifelong search a photo has surfaced!!!!

Follow Me to Zion

I was so excited when I saw that this book is now published and ready for me to purchase.  I haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet, but I will at the next possible opportunity.  Andrew Olsen and Jolene Allphin were in contact with me when they were working on the photos and text.  There is a section in the book dealing with our Mae McEwan Bain Smith family and I provided some histories and  facilitated getting the photo to the authors.  I can't wait to see what they've written!!  They always do a lovely, factual story and the paintings by Julie Rogers add so much.  If you are a Mae McEwan Bain Smith descendant, you will be interested in the book.  Here's a link to the website: